Tim MacIntosh
Here's More of My Story:
I grew up in Vancouver, BC, Canada as part of a family of seven (yes, five of us kids!). Dad and Mom were committed followers of Jesus and nurtured us in faith from an early age. I can’t actually remember a time when I didn’t believe, my relationship with Jesus having become part of my experience so early on. My home church (Christian Brethren background) was a crucial part of my growth, filled with people who loved the Lord, loved the Scriptures, and loved me. I saw faith lived authentically. It wasn’t perfect, but there was commitment and faithfulness that was real. It made a huge impact.
My own love of Scripture was birthed in that context, alongside enduring memories of my Dad, up early, morning by morning, sitting in the main-floor den of our house, reading his Bible. It shaped me.
There were so many encouragements to faith for which I am deeply grateful – parents, grandmother, church, Sunday School, Youth Group, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Young Life, summer camps, friends. I spent my university summers cooking at a Young Life camp – it stretched me in so many ways and shaped some lifelong friendships. I am so thankful.
I graduated with a BA in Urban Geography (UBC), spent a brief period of time in a Bank Management training program (which definitely wasn’t me!), then went on to do an MDiv at Regent College (Vancouver). Meanwhile, I served part-time as Youth Pastor at my home church – studying theology, simultaneously with working in youth ministry, enriched both experiences.
I was later Senior Pastor in that same church, serving for seventeen years – transitioning from “kid in nursery” to Senior Pastor had its own challenges and joys! Subsequently, I pastored a Baptist Church, followed by an Alliance Church. The Body of Christ is rich indeed.
In recent years I’ve seen this richness in even broader ways through the ministry of Alpha. We’ve run Alpha in each of the churches I’ve served, seeing many come to faith in Jesus – so encouraging. I was on the Board of Alpha Canada for a dozen years, teaching at Alpha conferences and being blessed by the amazing diversity of the church – so good.
In the midst of it all, I got connected with a young woman who became my best friend … and also my wife! Sarah and I have been married for 33 years. She is full of amazing wisdom, constantly giving me insight into people and circumstances I would never have on my own. Plus, we just have a lot of fun together! We have four grown children (two with spouses) – we love them all so much!
Over the last four years I’ve been writing a daily devotional (five days a week) on Facebook, titled “Eyes on Jesus (Through the Scriptures),” working consecutively through the books of the New Testament – you can find the link by clicking on the button to the right. The same daily devotionals are also available in the Blog on this website.
My book, Eyes on Jesus: Through Mark’s Gospel, resulted from those daily writings, as has my most recent book, Eyes on Jesus: Through John's Gospel.
Eyes on Jesus: The Christmas Chronicles, my second book, emerged from a different source. Over the years I've written a number of dramatic monologues to use in sermons during Christmas and Easter. Five of them became the core for this book, with other characters being added along the way. There's a joy in "looking around the corners" of the biblical stories to better understand the people who unexpectedly experienced these world-changing events.
I recently retired from Senior Pastor responsibilities, but continue to write and preach – leading people into the Scriptures gives great joy.
I want to keep eyes on Jesus.