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Luke 12:13-21

Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

Jesus replied, “Man who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

(verses 13-15)


I’m a preacher. I can’t say I would relish being so abruptly interrupted in the way this man interrupts Jesus. Especially so when the interruption has nothing whatsoever to do with what Jesus has just been saying. Far from tracking with Jesus’ teaching about discipleship, the man is focused on physical possessions and family squabbles.

It's possible that the accused brother has kept an inappropriately large share of an inheritance that has already been disbursed. But more likely, the inherited property is currently jointly occupied by both brothers, and the one wants to force the other to sell, divide the profits, and find alternate accommodations. It’s a family dispute motivated by a desire to personally grasp more wealth.

Jesus refuses to be drawn into such an argument. But not wasting the interruption, he takes the occasion to highlight the dangers of greed and the fleetingness of possessions.

He tells a parable. A rich man had a farm that yielded a massive crop. Indeed, it was so abundant he had nowhere to store it all. “I know what I’ll do,” he said. “I’ll tear down my current barns, build bigger ones, and store it all away for years to come.” He delighted in the ease that such wealth would provide him. He put his faith in all that he owned. He felt secure about his future.

“You fool!” Jesus says. For, in the story, the man dies that very night. The “abundance of his possessions” provided no assurance of life or comfort or security. Greed had blinded him. Yes, he was rich in physical possessions, but ultimately, he was “not rich toward God” (verse 21).

That’s the bottom-line issue in the whole story. Our first priority is to be “rich toward God.” Or, putting it another way, like branches we are to stay abiding in the vine (John 15:5). Or, again, like a lamp we are to light our lives with what is good, rather than what is dark (Luke 11:33-36). Or, again, we are to hold to Jesus’ word, making ourselves at home in the fullness of his teaching (John 8:31).

Which, of course, is the irony of the moment. The parable of the Rich Fool is a blatant lesson for this man in the crowd who interrupts Jesus’ teaching on discipleship to focus instead on the issue of his own possessions. He was within earshot of Jesus’ very words. Yet, he seemingly brushed it all aside to get to the issue that was most important to him – his possessions. He wanted more. So, greed got in the way of him truly listening to the Master.

“Watch out!” Jesus says. “Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.”

It’s a crucial lesson for each of us, whether we have an abundance of possessions or simply wish that we did. To focus on “stuff” takes our eyes off Jesus. If greed fills our minds, if we’re consumed with getting more, if we’re gripped by fear of not having enough, if we expend our primary energies on the pursuit of possessions, if we’re not content with what we have, then we are likely not rich toward God.

Watch out. Be on your guard. Keep eyes on Jesus.


Lord Jesus, I want to find my contentment in you. I pray, “Give me this day my daily bread,” and I trust you to answer. When I get distracted by the “stuff” of this world, waken me afresh. Give me ears for your word. Help me to hold to your teaching. Keep my eyes on you. Amen.



How much of your energy (desire, planning, fear, discontent) is focused on “stuff”? What steps can you take to focus instead on contentment in Jesus?


Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash



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