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Luke 18:15-17

But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

(verses 16-17)


Children in Jesus’ day had no status, no rights, no privilege, no pull. Therefore, it was completely counter-intuitive for the disciples to get their minds around the idea that “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” This is a statement of sheer grace. If the kingdom truly “belongs” to them, it cannot be on the basis of achievement or merit or inherent worth. Rather, it’s pure gift.

Upon reflection, this is always the case, whether entering the kingdom initially or living in it as an ongoing resident. It’s not our accomplishments which give us the right of access. We don’t rack-up status on the basis of a stellar track-record. It’s never maturity which guarantees our position, nor longevity, nor pedigree of any kind. It’s not gifting or skill or usefulness or ability. Not knowledge or wisdom or insight or learning. The kingdom comes as pure gift – always. Life in the kingdom continually has this character. We get into trouble whenever we place our confidence in anything other than the gift of Jesus himself.

But Jesus’ statement also includes an insight about receptivity. What does it mean to “receive … like a little child”? Well, what have you seen? Here’s what I’ve seen: If I offer a child something they perceive as valuable, they’re all smiles, eagerness embodied, reaching out, ready to touch and handle and hold and possess – no hanging back. Not at all. It’s just sheer joy, delight, trusting and embracing. They enter right in, valuing the gift, accepting it wholeheartedly.

I want to receive from my Lord’s hand, just like that.


Lord Jesus, thank you that you have been pleased to give me the kingdom. It is pure gift, all of grace, never to be earned. What can I say, but ‘thank you’, with all my being. I choose to receive it with delight. To enter in fully. To joyfully submit to your kingdom rule.

This day, keep my eyes open to all you have given. May it be.


Keep track:

Today, be like a child and receive with delight the gifts of the kingdom – every gift the Lord gives. Make a tally. Write them down. Try not to miss one of the gifts given to you. And give thanks for each one.


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


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