After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.
Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?”
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
This story speaks to me from two angles. Jesus’ acceptance and fearless embrace of the marginalized is compelling. Meanwhile, equally inspiring is Levi’s quick about-face redirection of life, together with his eagerness to share it. Both challenge my complacency.
Clearly Jesus knew Levi’s outsider status. He was a prominent citizen in that community, sitting day by day at his tax booth. But his prominence drew hatred and hostility since he was employed by the conquering Romans and would have gouged his fellow citizens (as all tax collectors did) by charging them more than needed and then pocketing the excess.
But Jesus looks past it all. What he sees is a person in need – someone needing an open door into relationship with Almighty God, rather than a door slammed shut by the prevailing opinions of the religious community surrounding him. So, Jesus invites Levi to follow, then accepts a reciprocal invitation to a dinner party at Levi’s house.
It’s a graphic picture of the acceptance that each of us finds in the Master. Nothing gets in the way – not our status, political affiliations, wrong-doings, greed, lack of compassion, spiritual apathy, self-reliance, nor anything else. Jesus invites us to follow. Of course, it means putting aside all those inhibitors, just as Levi did, and following without reservation. But the invitation and acceptance are freely given.
It's also a graphic illustration, having signed-on with Jesus, of how we are to treat those around us. The old biases and discriminations are to be dropped. Entirely. Having been forgiven and accepted we are to extend the same to those we run into day by day by day. Everyone. Without exception.
Seeing the story from Levi’s perspective yields other lessons. Levi (also known as Matthew – see his own account in Matthew 9:9-13) responds immediately to Jesus’ call. I assume he had seen Jesus previously, heard him teach, and perceived his character. Whatever those experiences, he is prepared for this moment – there is no hesitation. He is all-in with Jesus, presumably leaving behind his former employment together with the wealth and position it brought. It’s a picture for us of disentangling from all other priorities such that Jesus himself might own our commitment completely.
Further, Levi didn’t hesitate to make his new allegiance known. He threw an open-house, inviting “a large crowd of tax collectors and others” to come experience Jesus, too! This is the man who would later report Jesus’ final words to his disciples: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Seemingly he caught that impetus right from the start, beginning the process at his own doorstep, welcoming his friends. So natural. So infectious. So inspiring.
So, hear Jesus’ call on your own life. Follow wholeheartedly. You are fully accepted. Nothing need get in the way. With eyes on Jesus, embrace his acceptance of each person you encounter, taking the opportunities to introduce them, also, to the Master.
Matthew Levi shows the way.
Lord Jesus, thank you that you have accepted me fully. You have called me to follow. Once again, I say “Yes,” affirming my commitment. Touch my eyes that I might see those around me with the acceptance you yourself extend. Use me to share your life – to give your message of hope. To your glory. Amen.
Think of someone you regularly encounter (at work, in the neighbourhood, at church) who causes you to immediately turn away, side-step, avoid, or in fact shun. In light of Jesus’ interaction with Levi, how should you respond next time you see them? Be practical. Commit it to the Lord.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash