Can you do me a favour? Please write an Amazon Review for my books.
I so appreciate those of you who have read one of my books. Thanks!
If you'd be willing to go the further step and write a review on Amazon, it would help me a lot. Positive reviews help the books get a higher ranking in the Amazon algorithm. It only takes a few minutes to post. If you've read all three books, please review each one. Whatever you can do is greatly appreciated!
What's involved? Any Amazon customer (having made at least $50 of purchases in the last 12 months) is eligible to write a review.
Here are the details:
1. On the Amazon website (Amazon.ca or Amazon.com), go to the product detail page for the item. Scroll down the page until you get to “Customer Reviews.”
2. Select Write a customer review in the Customer Reviews section.
3. Select a star rating. A green check mark will be displayed for successfully submitted
4. Optionally, add text, photos or videos and select Submit.
That’s it! Thanks so much.